Popocatepetl eruption update, december 2014, Mexico time (UTC-6h)
31 December 2014 at 11:00:
In the lat 24 hours, 96 minor emissions with low ash content have been recorded. The number of minor emissions increased but the number of explosions decreased. This means that today the volcanic explosivity of the eruption decreased to 1. Fumarolic activity has been observed, it suggests that explosivity may decrease.
No tremor has been observed and earthquake activity decreases (only 11 earthquakes including 2 volcanotectonic earthquakes of 1.8 and 2 in magnitude). This suggests that the activity would decrease in intensity.
No ashfall has been reported.
On Friday 19th December, the volcano has been overflight by the authorities, no lava dome has been noticed inside the crater. The risk of a pyroclastic flow is low.
30 December 2014 at 14:00:
Today 77 minor emissions with low ash content have been recorded. An aditionnal 11 explosions were recorded, all sent a plume at least 1km high. One of them (at 13:22) sent a plume 2.5 km high, see the videos on the observatory's website: http://www.cenapred.gob.mx/reportesVolcan/BuscarReportesVolcan?optBusqueda=1. Today the volcanic explosivity of the eruption is 1 or 2. Fumarolic activity has been observed, it suggests that explosivity may decrease.
No tremor has been observed today but earthquake activity has increased (39 earthquakes). This suggests that the activity would continue at similar intensity.
No ashfall has been reported.
On Friday 19th December, the volcano has been overflight by the authorities, no lava dome has been noticed inside the crater. The risk of a pyroclastic flow is low.
29 December 2014 at 11:00:
Today 73 minor emissions were recorded, including 3 explosions. One of those explosions (at 07:59) sent a plume at least 2 km high. See the photo of this explosion here: http://www.cenapred.gob.mx/popo/2014/dic/p1229147.jpg Its contenancy in ash was moderate. However, yesterday at 23:48, an explosion released a plume with low concentration in ash. This means that the explosivity is little lower than yesterday morning. According to this, today's volcanic explosivity index is 1.
Tremor has decreased (only 5 minutes today) but earthquakes continue. In fact, 14 earthquakes have been recorded, the 3 largest being of preliminar magnitude 2.1, 1.9 and 1.8. The deformation of the volcano is very little (only 2 microradians). The most likely scenario is that the activity continues at the same intensity.
No ashfall has been reported.
On Friday 19th December, the volcano has been overflight by the authorities, no lava dome has been noticed inside the crater. The risk of a pyroclastic flow is low.
See the volcano observatory's website:
28 December 2014 at 11:00:
Incandescence has been observed at the summit crater on Saturday night as well. 3 explosions have been occuring this morning, one at 09:38 sent a plume of 2km in height. (see the photo:http://www.cenapred.gob.mx/popo/2014/dic/p1228146.jpg). The content in ash of these plumes is moderate. Moreover, 82 minor emissions have been recorded. This make me estimate the volcanic explosivity of this eruption to 2 (strombolian to vulcanian).
Tremor increased (41 minutes of harmonic tremor on Saturday night and this morning), this means that the eruption will continue in the next several days.
On Friday 19th December, the volcano has been overflight by the authorities, no lava dome has been noticed inside the crater. The risk of a pyroclastic flow is low.
See the volcano observatory's website:
27 December 2014 at 17:00:
"An explosion at Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano sent a mix of steam, gas and ash 3.5 kilometres into the sky" on Friday 5pm (local time), according to local authorities".
See the video of the explosion here:
Incandescence has been observed on Friday night at the summit crater. Today a total of 8 explosions have been registered, as well as 141 minor emissions of gas, vater vapour and ash. The content in ash of these emissions is moderate. No ashfall has been reported yet. I estimate that the volcanic explosivity index of this eruption is 2 (strombolian).
Low to moderate (7100t/day) sulphur dioxide emissions suggest that the volcanic explosivity is likely to remain around 2.
10 minutes of harmonic tremor has been recorded (frequence of 2 Hz) and 30 earthquakes today. The deformation of the volcano is 2 microradians since the last 48 hours. The activity is likely to remain similar in the next 24 hours.
See the volcano observatory's website:
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